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Tuesday Ministry

Some updates and testimonies

 Vacation Bible School this week: It was off to a good start! We had a group of 3 and the group that led VBS had a great time and really enjoyed playing and sharing the story of Noah. A portion of the team traveled to the community next to the location and handed out lunches to the family…. here is a testimony from two of the students.
" On Tuesday, my group went to VBS! While some of the group stayed with the kids, three of us went to pass out lunches across the street at the trailor park. I walked up to a door and a lady answered. She asked me for 6 lunches and I asked if she had 6 kids. She said no but my kids don't get to eat everyday. Eventually, we started to talk about our religions. She was Hindu. She asked me about my faith. I told her that I blieve in God and how he came to save us from our sins so we could go to heaven. She then asked me where she could learn more about my God. It was an awesome experience!"
Leanne (Illinois)

"My group did Vacation Bible School one day this week and I got to share the story of Noah and the Ark. They have not heard the story before and seeing their faces smiling as we acted it out was well worth the 100 heat index"
 Jane (Illinois)

We also are doing night ministries at local hotels that host international students that come to the states for th summer to work. The students have been amazing! I have loved watching them come out of their shells and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. We have been blessed this week with students that speak chinese and have been able to communicate with the students from China in their own language. We just don't get to see the students comminicate that way very often and I as a leader have been truly blessed.
Each student has truly been showing the love of Jesus not to just the people at the hotels or on the street but also to each other. God is very  much at work here in the Dells and we are all loving being a part of it.

More stories to come, keep tuned in.